
Structure of the summer school

The summer school consists of research talk and teaching (hands-on) sessions. Each day is focused on a particular topic, which is introduced by an overview talk on the morning of that day. The afternoons are dedicated to hands-on sessions on the computer.


Preparation for the participants

The summer school will take place in a class-room style lecture hall. Participants are required to bring their own laptop. To be able to follow the hands-on sessions, participants should install the following software:

  1. R with packages microbiome, seqtime, phyloseq, SpiecEasi, igraph and deSolve
    For an introduction to R, please have a look here
  2. Cytoscape with plugins CoNet and CytoCluster
    Check out the App manager in Cytoscape for convenient installation of plugins
  3. Optional: Create an account in Qiita
  4. Optional: Install the biom converter

11-13 Sep 2017
Leuven, Belgium